Our premium Love To Dream Sleep Suit™ is a versatile “all-in-one” style wearable blanket with legs. Designed to keep little ones warm, whilst providing freedom of movement. Perfect for little wrigglers.
Select a right size by child height
*Ages & child heights are approximate. For best fit result please select sizing according to your child’s height, not their age. These tables are only to be used as a guide. All children are different. The number of clothing layers may vary according to a child’s health, their physiology and the temperature in the room. The care-giver must determine what is suitable.
TOG stands for 'Thermal Overall Grade', which is a unit of measurement used to calculate the thermal insulation of a product, usually in the textile industry. Our sleep garments are given a TOG rating according to the warmth they provide. Basically, the higher the TOG, the warmer the product. Note, a higher TOG rating doesn’t necessarily mean a thicker garment.
To help parents understand which TOG values are right for different room temperatures, a set of guidelines has been established as per below:
Please Note: The table is only a guide. All babies are different. The number of clothing layers may vary according to a baby's health, their physiology and the room temperature in the room. The care-giver must determine what is suitable.