The leg rest is easily attached to the stroller. It has different positions and the soft cushion allows your baby to sleep more comfortably in the pram.
Was a worth while purchase for our trip away and will get a lot more use out of it. Our 8mth old was able to sleep very comfortably whilst we were on the move/out doing an activity that coincided with his nap. The only down side is I couldn’t figure out how to keep it attached to the yo-yo and put it in the travel bag. It does fold up fine with it attached but doesn’t seem to fit in the travel bag.
The Babyzen Yoyo is a great travel pram and it’s great that the leg rest comes as an additional accessory.
I have found it just gives my daughter that little bit more comfort for her legs to not dangle too much, great for when she is asleep in the pram. Definitely a must added extra to the Yoyo.